মোৰ ভূমিকা :

অসম চৰকাৰ Panchayat & Rural Development Commissionerate of Rural Development


    1. e-Panchayat :

      Objectives of e-Panchyat initiative is to strengthen e-Governance in Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) in the State and build associated capacities of the PRIs for effective adoption of the e-Governance initiative. Under e-Panchayat initiative, following applications are conceptualised and rolled out in the state.


      Captures receipt & expenditure details through voucher entries and automatically generates cash book, registers, utilization certificates etc.Website: PRIASoft

      National Panchayat Portal (NPP)

      Dynamic Website for each Panchayat to share information in public domain.

      Website: National Panchayat PortalAssam Panchayat Portal

      Local Government Directory (LGD)

      Provides the information regarding local governments in public domain.

      Website: Local Government Directory


      Assists Panchayats in preparation of Annual Action Plans (GPDP).Also includes separate dashboards for monitoring preparation and implementation of GPDP and &progress of release and utilization of FFC funds.

      Website: Plan Plus


      Facilitates monitoring of physical & financial outcomes/outputs under various programmes.

      Website: Action Soft

      Area Profiler

      Captures geographic, demographic, infrastructural, socio-economic and natural resources profile of a village/panchayat.

      Website: Area Profiler

      National Asset Directory (NAD)

      Captures details of assets created/maintained; helps avoid duplication of works and provide for O&M mAsset has also been introduced.

      Website: National Asset Directory

      Digital Gaon Panchayat

      A new programme has been initiated to convert feasible panchayats into ‘Digital Gaon Panchayats’. The aim of Digital Gaon Panchayat is to provide free WiFi Access to Citizen, Provide Digital literacy training to Citizen especially on e-Commerce and e-Services. This project is piloted in Khetri Gaon Panchayat in Dimoria Block of Kamrup Metro District.

      MIS of Rural Development Programs

      All three major rural development programs are equipped with strong Information Systems. These systems maintain beneficiary data, photographs of beneficiaries and schemes, vouchers, financial data and reporting system with multiple reports etc. These Information systems also provides for transfer of funds directly into accounts of beneficiaries using Digital Signatures.

      PMAY-G:    AWAASSoft
      NSAP:       NSAP MIS


      A web-based GIS application, to capture Spatial Data of all the Assets created under MGNREGA, IAY, BRGF, DDP for the Financial Year 2012-13, 2013-14 & 2014-15 . This project was piloted in 41 nos of Gaon Panchayats in Morigaon District. In this project data was captured directly from field using ANDROID smart phone with a very light weight app.

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